This show features a few forgotten Cleveland gems and an early Standells record.
One of those forgotten Cleveland gems came from The Baskerville Hounds. They released their final single in 1969, a cover of PJ Proby's "Hold Me." The song actually reached #1 on WJET in Erie, PA and on WLOF, Orlando. It didn't crack the top 40 in Cleveland on the WIXY-SIXTY Survey.
We all know Eric Carmen was the front man in The Raspberries, but he was previously doing his best Steve Marriott in a group called Quick. The group evolved from Cyrus Erie (and would eventually revert back to that name). The Quick, along with The Baskerville Hounds, appeared on Upbeat on September 27, 1969.
Enjoy show #072: Original airdate 09/26/2020.